- Please do not operate the hot tub without watching the video we will have emailed you in your arrival instructions. There are also instructions in the accommodation file. We're always around the farm if you need a demonstration in person.
- Please shower with soap and water before and after using the hot tub. Do not use any oils or bath products in the hot tub as they can stain the tub and interfere with the water sanitation product. Please don't use fake tan before your stay here, it can stain the hot tub.
- Please remove all jewellery before entering the hot tub as the chlorine sanitizer may discolour your jewellery.
- The hot tub is not suitable for children under the age of 5 as children can overheat if you have made your water very hot. There are thermometers in the hot tub, and we recommend 40 degrees for adults.
- Children must be supervised at all times in the hot tub and they should not be left alone in it even for a moment. The water covering lid must be put on when the hot tub is not in use and the steps moved away to prevent accidental drowning.
- Children should never operate the hot tub fire.
- The stove is hot during operation! Do not touch the metal when the fire is burning! Be careful if you are looking up at the flue not to accidentally let your face touch the flue, it will be very hot and may burn you. This is a wood burning stove and you must never put anything in it except wood and firelighters. Do not use paper (it creates ash which falls on the water). If you do suffer a burn treat it under cold water, or with a cold compress for at least 20 minutes. If the burn blisters or the burn is bigger than the size of your hand you must go to hospital. Call 111 for burn advice.
- Water temperatures between 100° F (37º C) and 104° F (40° C) are considered safe for a healthy adult. Limit bathing time to 20 minutes as extending this time can cause the body to overheat. At 36-37ºC this time can be extended up to 1 hour. Drink water regularly to prevent dehydration. As well as checking the thermometer make sure you feel the water temperature with your hand before entering. Do not get in if the water is too hot.
- If you are pregnant, seek medical advice before using the hot tub. Excessive water temperature has potential for causing fetus damage.
- Never use the hot tub alone, it is very dangerous to fall asleep in a hot tub!
- Do not use glass near or in the hot tub. Broken glass can cause a risk to bare feet and shards of glass are very difficult to see within the hot tub water. Please use the plastic glasses we have provided for your drinks.
- Do not use any electrical appliances near or in the hot tub.
- There is chlorine in the hot tub water for sanitation. If any skin reaction rash occurs leave the hot tub and rinse off in the shower.
- Please do not use the hot tub after 11pm.
- People with heart disease, diabetes, low or high blood pressure, obesity, or any serious illness should not enter the hot tub without prior consultation with their doctor. Sitting in hot water for a period of time can cause the user to become drowsy.
- Consult a doctor before using the hot tub if you are taking medication which could induce drowsiness, or medications which may affect heart rate, blood pressure and circulation. If you suspect heat stroke, get out of the hot tub immediately to cool down and seek medical advice - dial 999 or 111
- Children must go to the loo before they use the hot tub! If a nappy leaks or someone urinates in the water, the water will discolour and will need to be emptied. Any hot tub that needs to be shut down due to misuse or from sewage will need to be shut down and incur a £30 charge to clean and refill it.
- Do not use the hot tub if you are under the influence of alcohol. The heat of the hot tub water speeds up the effects of alcohol and can cause sleepiness, dizziness and unconsciousness.
- Never use the hot tub while using or after using narcotics or other drugs that may cause sleepiness, drowsiness or raise/lower blood pressure. We do not allow drug taking anywhere at Middle Stone Farm
- Do not use the hot tub immediately after a heavy meal which could make you sleepy or drowsy.
- Take care on the decking steps to the hot tub, the wood may be slippery. Remove the steps from the hot tub when you are not using to prevent accidental drowning.
- Take care when entering and leaving the hot tub. The white fibre glass interior can be slippery. When leaving the hot tub if your water was quite hot leg muscles may be relaxed enough to make you unsteady.
- Avoid entering the hot tub water immediately after exercising as the water temperature can affect the heart rate.
- Do not remove partially burnt logs from the stove, they could burn someone. Do not put any partially burnt wood back in the wood store.
- Keep matches and firelighters safely in their tins and jars away from children.
- Do not exceed the maximum number of persons for your tub. A group exceeding this limit may cause personal injury and/or damage to the hot tub.